Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Motherly Guidelines

Ever stand in the bookstore and scan through searching for the instruction manual to the bundle of joy in your arms? Click through Amazon.com for instructions on how to tame your toddler? Google any article that holds the ever changing Teenage Translator?

As parents we may never hold all the answers. We can't guarantee that our children won't reach adulthood unscarred Or that we'll know everything when we're done. 

Thankfully, Heavenly Father knew that we'd need help. So he gave us guidelines. Written passages throughout time, recorded in scripture. 

This one has come to mind when there's just one straw left to break and I'm ready to through in the towel and let what comes easiest "solve" the problem. I may still need to count to 10 20 before I do what's right. Always resulting in a much better outcome. Peace restored and a lesson learned by both myself and my child(ren). 

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