Sunday, April 7, 2013

Honesty: part 2

It has been more then a week since my last post. Many more days since I last continued this version of my personal study into the scriptures. Sporadically I have read and pondered over more verses concerning Honesty and Upright in all things, and decided that every day for the month of April I will share them with my thoughts. 

Christ lived and taught the same principles in all things. His course never wavered or changed. Each parable resounded with the same eternal truths. Just as He lived I must also do the same. To be steadfast and immovable. To never deviate from that which is true. 

My focus every day will be to stay the course. To often allow the distractions of the world; TV, FB the wonders of the world wide web to distract me and lead me down a detour. Even worse I allow myself to be my worst enemy. The lack of self discipline to sleep earlier and eat better or the worst culprits. Such simple things and yet the cause of most wrongs when not attended to. It's all well in good that I nourish my soul with the reading of scriptures, attending of church meetings and listening to the Prophets voice. But what good does it do me if I'm too tired to live them? If I'm physically hungry and bite back at people for little mistakes or misunderstanding? Not at all conducive to living a Christ-like life.

My Challenge for the week; 
No T.V 
A 10:30pm bedtime with a 6:30am wake up
Eat more fruits and vegetables
Drink water

I will not walk in crooked paths, neither will I vary from that which I have said; neither will I think to turn to the right or to the left; or from that which is right to that which is wrong; my course will be as His, one eternal round.

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