Monday, September 17, 2012


Hello there!

I'm Jennifer and this is me using inspiration and turning it into realization. To many times when inspired by passages of scripture, words given by Prophets and speakers during Church meetings or through answers of prayer, and comments shared by friends, I let them pass me by. But not anymore. My last inspiration just wouldn't let me go. So I came up with a study plan to follow until the end of the year on a common scripture verse(s). Ecclesiastes 3:1-8    I broke it up into pieces for each week. I broke up the study into days. Pondering what each phrase meant to me. What the scriptures and others have to say on it. Then figure out how to apply it. I began and just couldn't stick to it. I found myself wanting to expand it! There is just so much to learn from 8 verses I don't want to miss anything.

I started a journal to keep and make notes of my studies. Now I've started this blog to share my discoveries. I first thought how amazing it would be to write a book. Creating an opportunity to make an income as single mother would be fantastic. But who wants to buy a book written by a nobody? That would probably be hacked during editing anyway. It then occurred to me that this information should be free. Why should I profit from scriptural doctrine? Those whose words and thoughts I'd be studying and searching don't.

So onward and forward. I hope to post 3 times a week and see how it goes from there. I'd also like this to be a forum for conversation, to leave inspiration and receive it.

Please, please I beg of you to show respect for the words and ideas of others
 that are different then you're own. 

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